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Magento V1 connection to Flowpay

Steps to connect your Magento V1 account with Flowpay

1. Enable Magento V1 connection

2. Connect your Magenta V1 account with Flowpay 


Step 1 Enable Magento V1 connection

Before you begin, you must configure Magento webservices
Before you can create a connection access for your store, you need to set below things in your admin panel. 

3. Configure REST attributes

01_Create Oauth consumer part 1.png

1. Create oAuth Consumer

01_Create Oauth consumer part 1.png
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01_Create Oauth consumer part 2 add new.png
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01_Create Oauth consumer part 3 create consumer.png
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c. Fill in form:
Name: e.g. Flowpay 
Password: your admin password

01_Create Oauth consumer part 3 create consumer.png
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2. Create and configure REST roles

a. Go to the System-> Web Services -> Rest Roles

02_create rest role admin part1.png
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02_create rest role admin part2 add admin role.png

b. Click Add Admin role

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02_create rest role admin part 3 fill role name.png
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c. Fill in form: 
Name: e.g. Flowpay admin
Password: your admin password

02_create rest role admin part 4 API source.png

d. Select Role API

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02_create rest role admin part 5 select data.png

e. Set permision only for retrive data by these points:
Product category
Stock item
Orders items

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02_create rest role admin part 6 save role.png
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f. Click Save roles

3. Configure REST attributes

03_Rest atributes part 1.png
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a. Go to System-> Web Services-> Rest Attributes

b. Select Admin

03_Rest atributes part 2 select admin.png
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03_Rest atributes part 3 set all.png

c. Set ACL attributes Rules to All 

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03_Rest atributes part 3 set all.png

d. Click Save

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4. Configure resource attributes and access permissions

a. System-> Permissions -> Users

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b. Select any ADMIN user

04_user permission part 2 select admin user.png
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04_user permission part 5 fill in password.png

c. Fill in admin password

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04_user permission part 3 click rest role.png

d. Click on REST Role 

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e. Find the role created in previous step (Flowpay admin) and check the Radio Button for the selected role

04_user permission part 4 select role.png
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f. Click Save user

04_user permission part 4 select role.png
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Step 2 connect your Magento V1 account with Flowpay 

For successful connection with Flowpay you need to have prepared API credentials created in the previous step 1. Create oAuth Consumer.

Shopify connection.jpg

4. Fill in the access credential

  • Shop URL = your Magento url

  • API Key = API key generated in your Magento account


1. Login to MyFlowpay – 

5. Click Connect your data 

6. Authorize access by logging into your admin (your credential to admin) 

1. Login to MyFlowpay

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4. Fill in the access credential

  • Shop URL = your Magento shop url 

  • Authorize path: 
    See your admin url to Magenta shop.
    Take what is behind your shop url.
    To the admin part of url fill /oauth_authorize.

    Admin url:
    Fill there: /admin/oauth_authorize 

  • Consumer key: generated key in Magento admin during step 1 above

  • Consumer secret: generated secret in Magento admin during step 1 above

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API connection confirmation.png

7. Authorize access 

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